5 Percakapan (Bahasa Inggris)

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Five conversations (Lima Percakapan)

1. [Tony and Ressa meeting up in a café for a first date].

Ressa     : Sorry for making you wait. I wish you don’t get upset of my late.
Tony      : It’s alright. It must be traffic jam, right?
                I wish I could pick you up from your house
                so you didn’t need to deal with the traffic jam.
Ressa     : It really is okay. I’ve got used to this traffic jam problem.
Tony      : Alright, have a seat! You must be tired.
                Here I have ordered your favorite fresh juice.
                You can drink it. I know it must have been
                so thirsty of being trapped by the traffic jam at this hot day.
Ressa     : Yes, you are right. Huh? I can drink this?
                Oh, Thank you. Uh, It’s orange juice! I love orange juice.
                How do you know orange juice is my favorite?
Tony      : Uh… um… you’ve ever said it to me once.
                Um… you look sweaty. I will get you some tissues then.

*Tony’s face is suddenly blushing red*

Ressa     : You don’t need to. I bring my own facial tissues. Thank you.
Tony      : Um…. Alright then.
Ressa     : By the way, have you ordered your food?
Tony      : No, I haven’t.
                I have waited you so we can order foods at the same time.
Ressa     : Well, that is so nice, Tony.
Tony      : Hee hee hee. Okay, I’ll get the waiter – Um, Mr.
                I have decided our orders.
Waiter    : What would you two like to order, lovebirds?
Tony      : Um… um… I want a special chocolate toasted-bread.
Waiter    : And you pretty lass?
Ressa     : Uh!? Um….. I want a strawberry toasted-bread.
Waiter    : Very well, please wait. Enjoy your time, lovebirds!

(Tony’s and Ressa’s faces are blushing red as
they hear they were called ‘lovebirds’ by the waiter)

Tony     : I feel funny to hear that we were called lovebirds
Ressa    : Me too. Hee hee.
Tony     : Oh! I’d like to give you something. I wish you like it.

*Tony takes something out of his pocket*

Ressa    : Oh, really? What is it?
Tony     : Here it is *Tony shows a pretty necklace to Ressa*
               I want you to have this.
Ressa    : Wow, it’s beautiful. I can really have this?
Tony     : Yes. It’s special for you.
Ressa    : Oh… Thank you, Tony. It’s really lovely.
Tony     : I’m glad you are happy with it.
Ressa    : I will always keep this beautiful necklace
                as a gift from you in our first date.
Tony     : That’s great, and I hope we can still have other lovely dates together.
Ressa    : Yes. I wish so.
Tony     : Uh…. umm… Ressa… Do you mind if I call you ‘Dear’ from now on?
Ressa    : *Ressa’s face is blushing* Umm… well… I think that would be fine.
Tony     : *Tony smiles under happiness* Thank you, Dear.

2. In Restaurant
Waiter    : This is the menu in our restaurant. What would you like to have?
Doni       : We order the food right now or wait for Hanif first?
Tania      : I think we are better to wait for her.
Ryan      : I agree with Tania, it’s better to wait her.
Doni      : Okay. Sir, we are waiting for a friend first.
Waiter    : Alright. You can call me if you want to order the food.

10 minutes later ..

Doni              : That’s Hanif. Hi, Hanif ..
Hanif             : Hi, Doni. How are you?
Doni              : I’m fine.
Hanif             : What about you guys (Tania, Ryan)?
Tania, Ryan   : We’re good.
Hanif             : Thank God. Sorry for making you wait for me.
Ryan              : No problem. Don, can you call the Waiter?
Doni              : Okay. We just write what we want to order on this paper
                        and I will call him after we have done.
                        I order a chicken steak and an orange juice.
Tania             : I prefer a grilled squid and an iced tea.
Doni              : What about you, Ryan, Hanif?
Hanif             : I choose a roasted chicken and a melon juice. And you, Ryan?
Ryan              : Oh sorry, I’ll have a beef steak and a lemon tea.
Doni              : Okay. I will bring this menu to the Waiter.

15 minutes later …

Doni      : Our foods have come. Let’s eat.
Ryan      : Come on, oh it looks delicious.
Tania      : Yes, I think so. It smells very good.
Hanif      : Come on guys. Don’t comment too much. Let us eat soon

3. Visiting Grandma’s House
Maya           : Hello, Grandma! Are you home?
Grandma     : Huh? Is that you my sweetheart, Maya?
Maya           : Yes, Grandma. It’s me, Maya.
Grandma     : Oh, what a nice time to see you! Huh?
                      Who did you come here with?
                      Did you come over here all by yourself, Dear?
Maya           : No, Grandma. I came here with father.
                      But he has just left. He couldn’t come over
                      because he said he has work to do at his office.
Grandma     : I see. Your father is always busy with his work….
                      Oh, my dear Maya. I have been missing you all this time.
                      I’m so glad you can come here.
Maya          : I miss you so much too, Grandma.
                     I am sorry I always had no time to come over here.
                     I have no school today, so I decided to come over your house.
Grandma     : That is very nice of you, Dear. Come, come,
                      I’m making some cupcakes and cookies. You’ll definitely like it.
Maya           : Really, Grandma? Oh, I’m so glad I come at the right time.
Grandma     : Oh look! I think the cupcakes and cookies are all ready.
                      I will take them out of the oven.
Maya          : Umm… cupcakes and cookies will be more delicious
                      with some milk. Um, Grandma… Can I help you
                     to get some milk and prepare the plates?
Grandma    : Are you ok with that, Sweetheart?
Maya          : It’s fine, Grandma.
Grandma    : Very well. I’m taking this cookies and cupcakes into the table.
Maya          : (Maya pours the milk into glasses for her and her grandmother and prepares the plates for                      the cupcakes and cookies) Alright, Grandma! The milk and plates are ready!
Grandma     : Good job! Thank you, Dear.
Maya          : Okay! I’ll have some!… Ouch! It’s still too hot, Grandma.
Grandma     : Oh.. Are you okay, Sweetheart? I’m sorry I forgot to tell you the cookies are still too hot.
                      They are just out from the oven. If you can’t wait until they get colder, you can have some                       of the cookies by dipping them into the milk. The milk will make them colder and tastier.
Maya          : That’s right, Grandma! Yum, yum, umm, the cookie is nice with the milk!
Grandma    : Yes, it is.
Maya          : Um… Grandma, when you were still a little child, did your grandma make you some                              cookies as well?
Grandma    : Yes, of course, Dear. She was also really good at cooking. Just like you, I came a lot to her                      place to have some foods she cooked.
Maya         : Wow, your grandma was also amazing!
Grandma   : Yes, Sweetheart. Umm… have you tasted the cupcakes?
Maya         : Uh, Okay, I’ll have some!
Grandma   : How is it?
Maya         : Whoaa! The cupcake is also delicious! I’m really happy!
Grandma   : heehee. I’m glad too.

4. Damai Runing Away To Zelinda
Damai      : Hi ZELINDA!!
Zelinda     : Oh DAMAI, Hai…How are you?
Damai      : I’m fine. Thank you. How about you ?
Zelinda     : I’m fine, too. Finally, Sunday arrived, we could be jogging together.
Damai      : Of course. ZELINDA, I want to talk to you a minute, please??
Zelinda     : Oh, Okay!! Sit down here
Damai      : OK. You know, I will celebrate my birthday the day after tomorrow.
Zelinda     : Really..?
Damai      : Yes, ZELINDA..I will invite you to come to my birthday party. Would you like to come to                       my birthday party?
Zelinda    : Yes, Of course!! Thank’s for invite me..
Damai      : Before it, I need your help.
Zelinda     : Yes. What can I do for you??
Damai      : I need to prepare what needed at the party. Such as renting a place, making foods,
                  andinvitation card to invite more friends. Because I will make the birthday party with
                   the simple and interest party
Zelinda    : Well, I guess it’s not easy. But, I’ll try to help you.

Dewi’s coming

Dewi                    : Hei guys, good morning??
Zelinda&Damai  :Hai, morning!!!
Dewi                   : What do you talking about?
Zelinda                : We talking about DAMAI’s birthday party.
Damai                 : Would you like to come to my birthday party the day after tomorrow?
Dewi                   : Yeah, Of Course. Can I help you?
Damai                 : Yes, you can. Sit down, please. Please help me to prepare my birthday party.
                              This is my first time I celebrate my birthday with a a simple and interest party.
                              And this is my sweetseventeen.
Dewi&Zelinda   : Don’t worry Dam, we will help you.
Dewi                  : So, what will we do??
Damai                : First, we must look for a place
Zelinda               : How if in restaurant?
Damai                 : It’s a good idea. But, I feel restaurant was tooexpensive to rent
Dewi                   : I know!! How if in the city park? I think it’s a great place.
Zelinda               : I don’t think so. How about in your house?
Damai                 : Yes, I agree with you.
Dewi                  : So, who would you invite??
Damai                 : My best friend, my neighbour and another friend.
Dewi                  : I will help you to share the invitation
Damai                : Let’s go in my home to discuss together

5. Hoby
Arya      : Hi Erna, why do you collect many stamps?
Erna      : Ohh…. Hi Arya. I am collecting the stamps for my collection.
Arya      : What do you mean?
Erna      : Yes, actually my hobby is collecting stamps.
Arya      : Why do you like collecting stamps?
Erna      : Because I like to see the unique pictures of the stamps. How about you, what is your hobby?
Arya      : Hmm… I think I don’t have hobby. Should we have a hobby?
Erna      : Not really. But in our lives we must have something we like most which is called hobby.
Arya      : So, hobby is a pleasure. Then, I think I have a hobby now.
Erna      : Of course, so what is your hobby?
Arya      : I like to read comics especially detective Conan.
Erna      : That is your hobby. Reading comic. Do you have all of detective Conan’s collection?
Arya      : Yes, I do. I even go to the black market because the original comics have not yet been                             published. How about your stamps collection?
Erna      : So far I have collected stamps from some countries but I still should find other stamps.
Arya      : Do you need much money for your hobby?
Erna      : Yes of course I need much money because I order the stamps so it costs little bit expensive.
Arya      : Wow…. Your hobby is expensive.
Erna      : Yeah but I like to do it.
Arya      : Okay good luck with your hobby.
Erna      : Thank you.

sekian ..
semoga bermanfaat ^_^
salam mahasiswa..


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